Height Distribution
Skewness = 0.284 > 0
Standard error = 0.337
2 X Standard Error: 2 X 0.337 = 0.674
Skewness < 2 x Standard Error
Height distribution resembles a normal distribution as skewness is within 2 standard errors.
Arm Span Distribution
Skewness = 0.189 > 0
Standard Error = 0.337
2X Standard Error: 2 X 0.337 = 0.674
Skewness < 2 x Standard Error
Arm Span distribution resembles a normal distribution as skewness is within 2 standard errors.
Finding the correlation between arm span & height and our hypothesis
Null hypothesis, H0 : There is no significant positive relationship between arm span and height.
As both variables are scale measurement, Pearson's correlation coefficient is used to measure the correlation between height and foot length.
Correlation Table

From the table above, a Pearson’s correlation coefficient of 0.891 indicates a strong positive relationship between the arm span and the height of a person.
There is a very strong, positive and significant association between height and arm span. (r=0.891, p<0.05, N =50).
Scatter Plot Diagram

The scatter plot appears to follow a general positive linear trend. There is no violation of the linearity assumption. The chosen level of significance is p = 0.05.
Computing the regression equation

The linear equation is Y = mX + c
Hence, Height = 0.788 (Arm Span) + 35.421